
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Able Values or Valuables


Able Values or Valuables


Scene: 1986 – a village on the outskirts of Bangalore

Son (8 yrs):  Appa, what is this?

Father (a peon in a school):  This is a fan

Son: What is the use of it?

Father:  To circulate air.

Son: How is air produced by the fan?

Father:  Air is drawn ………….


The father who was a peon in a school had decided to make a success out of his son.

He knew the importance of studies and finally took huge loans to make him an engineer.


He further took loans to pacify his son with the trendy jeans and mobile, which his son’s friends had.  He went out of his way, sacrificing all his needs so that he also did not miss his mother who had died when the boy was 8 yrs.


Scene: 2006 – an up-market extension in Bangalore

Father (65 yrs):  Where are you going?

Son (A software engineer):  Don’t you know that every morning I go to the office?

Father:  What time will you come back?

Son:  How do I know, I am not a fortuneteller!

Father: No, I wanted to know so that I will know when to keep your food ready.

Son:  I will eat out with my friends – We have a party.


The son does not like the father who is always in the khaki dress which is not presentable and the unkempt beard, which he sports.

The father respects the khaki dress, which helped him to earn money to educate his son.  He respects his beard and refuses to shave as this helped him to save a lot of time and money, which he could spend for the son.

The father cannot eat with his son as his homecoming depends on so many factors.


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